Recent Academic Papers
Human-Animal Relations in Business and Society: Advancing the Feminist Interpretation of Stakeholder Theory
Can animals be considered stakeholders? What is the role of human-animal relationships in shaping animal stakeholdership? How can nonhuman animals affect organizational operations through human-animal care relationships?
The disruptive ‘other’? Exploring human-animal relations in tourism through videography
What are the potential and challenges of using video as a means to interpret and theorise on multispecies relations in tourism? How can videography contribute to better understanding the co-constructed relationship between humans and animals engaged in tourism activities?
‘Dig where you stand’: values-based co-creation through improvisation
What is the role of different stakeholders
and the knowledge and skills that they mobilize, produce, and reproduce in value co-creation in tourism? How the notion of value co-creation is intrinsically related to the values and narratives of entrepreneurs and the full range of stakeholders who are part of the co-creation process? What is the role of stakeholders in the co-creation of value associated with the idea of responsible tourism?
Political Corporate Social Responsibility in Small Tourism Business: The Case of a Finnish Sled Dog Kennel
If animals are tourism workers, can they also be tourism stakeholders? What is the role of human-animal relationships, social bonds, and emotions in shaping animal stakeholdership? How can ethics of care contribute to a relational understanding of stakeholder theory?
Walking the concepts: elaborating on the non-representational sensitivities of tourism experience
The article invites you to join us on a walking tour built around food, and shaped by the spatiotemporal dynamics of Rovaniemi. By moving through the streets and green areas of this Finnish city, it shows you how the walking tour opens up possibilities to elaborate and leverage the concept of experience through the non-representational sensitivities. The paper draws your attention to the walking tour as a way of presentation in relation to current academic epistemic cultures.
Tourism, animals & the vacant niche: a scoping review and pedagogical agenda
This paper offers an in-depth review of existing scholarship on animal ethics in tourism and develops an agenda for advancing animal ethics pedagogy for the future. It is a call to action for curriculum developers and educators to act on this critical moral domain in tourism education.
Promoting children-nature relations through play-based learning in ecotourism sites
How does play in ecotourism sites support children to learn “about” and “with” nature? How play-based learning can contribute to strengthening children-nature relationships? What is the role of storytelling in creating and disseminating the knowledge resulting from encounters between children and the natural world?
A discursive perspective on corporate social responsibility education
What is the role of discourses in CSR education? How do discourses and their hegemonic position, permit or exclude particular conceptions of social responsibility? How can management education contribute to improving the ability of future business professionals to transform old ways of organizing, managing, and relating to their stakeholders?
Struggles over CSR Meanings in Teaching Practices: The Case of Hybrid PBL
How can problem-based learning (PBL) contribute to creating learning spaces that support critical reflexive practice in CSR education? How social discourses, ideologies and power relations brought into the business classroom can be used as an opportunity to promote learning dialogues and relationships that include stakeholder voices usually silenced or neglected within a CSR teaching context?
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Recent Book Chapters
Husky Kennels as Animal Welfare Activists: Multispecies Relationships as Drivers of Institutional Change
This chapter looks at corporate activism on animal welfare within the context of dog sledding tourism businesses in northern Finland. Using institutional theory and care ethics, the chapter explores and illustrates how a group of husky kennels engage in political action to induce change to improve the living and working conditions of sled dogs. In the chapter, special attention is given to the motivation of these small business owners as well as the barriers to, and strategies for, their political struggle.
Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Ethical Dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility
What are the ethical dimensions of CSR? How ethical theory can help understand the ethical responsibilities of business organizations? This chapter offers a conceptual framework that helps managers to understand and assess the ethical stances and social obligations of firms in society. The framework is illustrated with the help of globally well-known corporations.
Animals as tourism stakeholders: Huskies, reindeer, and horses working in Lapland
If animals are tourism workers, can they also be tourism stakeholders? What is the role of human-animal relationships, social bonds, and emotions in shaping animal stakeholdership? How can ethics of care contribute to a relational understanding of stakeholder theory?
Understanding Luxury as an Embodied Experience in a Yoga Retreat Holiday
What is the relationship between the body and a luxury experience? What is the role of other bodies (fellow yogis and guests, yoga teacher), human-made environments and (yoga shala, hotel premises, and service, other service providers) as well as natural materialities (weather, sea, wind, nature) in the co-creation of luxury experiences?
Promoting Critical Reflexivity in Tourism Education through PBL
How can problem-based learning (PBL) support sustainability teaching in opening up opportunities for going beyond reflection to support critical reflexive practices? How can PBL help students to critically evaluate, analyze, and question the basic premises underlying contemporary tourism and hospitality practice?
Working Animals, Ethics and Critical Theory
How can the critical evaluation of our relationships with non-human animals in the workplace lead us to question not only our ethical responsibilities to those non-human creatures but also commonsensical understanding of our ethical accountability for other human beings?
Understanding performativity and embodied tourism experiences in animal-based tourism in the Arctic
How tourism experiences are lived, performed and co-created through the body? How do tourists engage with multiple stakeholders (employees, locals, animals and nature) in the creation of animal-based tourism experiences?
Co-Creating Places through Events: The Case of a Tourism Community Event in Finnish Lapland
How is place co-created through a community event? How is the co-creation of place negotiated between the different stakeholders? How does knowledge of a place shape the event? How does the meaning of the event to the community developed over time?
For more research papers visit:

Handbooks and Reports
Animal Welfare in Tourism Services
This handbook offers insights into the current situation of animal-based tourism in Finnish Lapland and an overview of practical examples and tips for supporting the welfare of sled dogs, reindeer, and horses. The handbook was produced in the “Animal Welfare in Tourism Services” -project (2016–2018).
Tourism Quality and Sustainability Programmes, Labels and Criteria in the Barents Region
The report provides a comprehensive overview of quality and sustainability certification systems, labels, programs, and similar tools used in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. The report also offers recommendations for promoting more responsible tourism practices in northern Europe.
Barents Tourism Action Plan
The overall intention of this Barents Interregional Tourism Action Plan is to offer an overview of the state of the tourism industry in this Nordic region. By articulating the views, needs and demands of Barents entrepreneurs, the Action Plan aims to encourage policy makers in national ministries, government agencies and EU institutions to provide the resources and improve the conditions needed for promoting interregional tourism development.
Analysis of User-Generated Social Media Content Related to Animal-Based Tourism Activities in Lapland
This report offers insights into what kind of topics of discussions are in social media channels regarding animals used in the tourism industry in Lapland. It indicates that there are growing concerns about animal welfare and the responsible use of animals in the tourism industry. The report was produced in the "“Animals and Responsible Tourism” (2016-2018) which was funded by Business Finland.
Animal Welfare
Communication Practices in Animal-Based Tourism in Finland
Which communication tools to use? What
content to share in social media? What kind of information to put on the website? What information is relevant
for the customers? This reports offers insights into ways of communicating and promoting education on animal welfare in tourism. The report aims to help animal-based tourism companies evaluate and develop more comprehensive animal welfare communication strategies.
Evaluating Animal Welfare in Animal-Based Tourism in Finland: Sled Dogs
The report at hand provides a group of specific themes and focused questions to evaluate the welfare of sled dogs involved in tourism operations. The report aims to help animal-based tourism companies, destination marketing companies, tour operators, and other stakeholders to identify the issues that need to be considered to guarantee the welfare of sled dogs working in tourism.