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Media Interviews

YLE, Helsingin Sanomat, CNN, Nikkei Asia, AP News, MTV3 News

  • The Wild West of Lapland – dogs are kept in conditions at northern Finnish husky farms that barely meet legal requirements, interview by Pi Mäkilä, Eläinten Ystävä [Animal Friend], published 21.8.2024.

  • Business schools invest in cultural diversity for sustainability, interview by Andreia Nogueira, University World News, published 30.3.2024.

  • China’s Panda Business, Interview by Rhyannon Bartlett-Imadegawa, Nikkei Asia, published 1.11.2023.

  • The art of sight-hearing: Exploring the world of sound tourism in the forest of Peru, interview by Louise Miolin,, published 3.10.2023.

  • Supmii eai hálit turistavearu – Norggas leat válmmaštallamin dakkára boahtte jahkái [introduction of tourism tax in Norway], interview by Susanna Guttorm, YLE Sápmi, published 8.9.2023.

  • Taistelu Inarijärvestä [Battle of Lake Inarijärvi], interview by Mikko Marttinen, Ilta-Sanomat, published 30.5.2023.

  • Lapin yliopisto: Kestävän matkailun suunnannäyttäjä [University of Lapland: Pioneer in sustainable tourism], Interview by Piia Alvesalo, Sivista, Jäsentarinat, published 15.2.2021.

  • Korona mullisti myös matkailun tutkijan matkailutottumukset – "Lapin matkailussa lähes kaikki munat olivat samassa korissa, minkä vuoksi koronan vaikutukset ovat olleet niin näkyvät [Corona also disrupted tourism researcher's tourism habits - "Lapland tourism had almost all eggs in the same basket, which can be seen in the impact of the crisis"], Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, published 5.2.2021.

  • Reshaping tourism: Why tourism education is needed now more than ever in Lapland. Emilia Karumaa. Visit Lapland Blog by Emilia Karumaa, published 2.10.2020.

  • Pelkkä hin­nan­alen­nus ei tuo ko­ti­mai­sia asiak­kai­ta poh­joi­sen yri­tyk­sil­le, vaan mat­kai­lun oh­jel­ma­pal­ve­lut pitää muokata suo­ma­lai­seen makuun so­pi­vik­si [Just discounts do not bring domestic customer to northern companies, rather tourism services have to be adapted to Finnish taste], Lapin Kansa, published 25.9.2020.

  • Planning to visit Lapland in the Summer? - Here's what you should know, Visit Lapland Blog, by Saija Halminen, published 24.4.2020.

  • Korona muuttaa Lapin matkailua pysyvästi, kriisistä toipumisen ratkaisee joulusesonki [Coronavirus to change Lapland tourism forever, Christmas season key in getting out of the crisis]. Interview by Pekka Viinikka. YLE, published 10.4.2020.

  • Lähimatkailu nostaa suosiotaan [Local tourism growing in popularity], YLE, by Pekka Viinikka, broadcasted 10.4.2020.

  • Junamatka Eurooppaan on pienestä kiinni: 20 kilometrin sähköistys avaisi reitin Lapin kautta [Rail travel to Europe is a small thing: 20 kilometres of electrification would open a way trough Lapland], YLE, by Jenni Mehtonen, published 28.2.2020.

  • Animal welfare warning as husky tourism booms, Associated Press, by James Brooks, broadcasted 11.1.2020.

  • Söpö selfie vai silkkaa kidutusta? [Cute selfie or pure torture?], Eläinten Ystävä [Animal Friend], by Pi Mäkilä, published 5.12.2019.

  • The latest victims of overtourism? Huskies, CNN, by Julia Buckley. Published 28.10.2019.

  • Ethical husky safaris and husky welfare, Responsible Travel, by Eloise Barker. Published 1.9.2019.

  • "Kun palmut, bisse ja all inclusive eivät enää riitä” – matkailuyritykset kaupallistivat arjen ja se on nyt turismin nousevin trendi [(When palms, music and all inlcusive is not enough – tourism companies comercialize everyday life, a growing trend]. Helsingin Sanomat, by Maria Paldanius, published 24.11.2018.

  • Matkailuyrittäjät arastelevat vastuullisuudesta puhumista - ”Mehän olemme vastuullisia luonnostaan” [Tourism entrepreneurs are shy to talk about responsibility – we are responsible by nature], Lapin Kansa, by Liisa Kuittinen, Published 19.09.2018.

  • Kuvia Suomesta, osa 34: Akseli Valmunen palasi kesällä Lappiin kuvaamaan autioita turistikohteita [Pictures from Finland part 34: Akseli Valmunen went back to Lapland to photograph empty tourism destinations], Helsingin Sanomat, by Anna-Sofia Berner, published 19.08.2018.

  • Helposti ilman autoa, ympäristö huomioiden [Easy without car, considering the environment], Koillissanomat, by Jenny Halvari. Published 7.2.2018.

  • Huolehditaan ainutlaatuisuudesta [Taking care of the uniqueness], Koillissanomat, by Jenny Halvari. Published 7.2.2018.

  • Matkailubuumin voittoja ei revitä huskyjen hyvinvoinnista [Tourism boom does not come at the expense of huskies’ welfare]. Koiramme, by Antti J. Leinonen, published 1.4.2017.

  • Matkamessuilla painotetaan yhetisöllisyyttä [Sense of community in the spotlight of the Nordic Travel Fair], MTV3 News, by Saara Rantanen, broadcasted 19.1.2017.

  • Learning cultural tourism in practice, Barents Saga, by Johanna Westernlund, published 1.10.2016.

  • Matkailija kiittää, kun husky voi hyvin [Tourist thanks when the husky does well], Lapin Kansa, by Sinikka Pylkkänen, Published 8.7.2016.

For media enquiries, please contact me.

JC García-Rosell keynote speech

Public Talks

Speaker, Moderator, Facilitator and Mentor

  • Speaker at the Junior Chamber International (JCI) European Conference, Oulu, Finland, 12.6.2024.

  • Keynote speaker at the International scientific conference Hand in Hand (HiH): Active Leisure, Healthy Lifestyle, and Sports Tourism, Brezice, Slovenia, 27.5.2024.

  • Keynote speaker at XIV Symposium of Finnish Tourism and Leisure Research, Helsinki, Finland, 22-23.5.2024.

  • Speaker at "Fuel for Responsible and Safe Nature Service Guidance" - LUMONI Project Seminar, Rovaniemi, Finland, 4.4.2024.

  • Speaker at the workshop „Developing Responsible Holiday Accommodation”, Rovaniemi, Finland, 19.3.2024, organized by Metsähallitus.

  • Panelist in "Animal Welfare in Tourism", Matka Travel Fair, Helsinki, 20.1.2024, organized by Going Green Ltd.

  • Panelist in "Creating Nature-Positive Value Through Human-Nature Stakeholder Relationships", Academy of Management, Boston, 4.8.2023.

  • Speaker at the “Animals, Ethics and Changing Organizations” -seminar, European Business Ethics Network (EBEN)-Finland, Tiedekulma, Helsinki, 29.11.2022.

  • Panelist in "Multispecies Inclusivity in Business and Organizing", Responsible Organizing Stakeholder Conference #5, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, 8.11.2022.

  • Speaker "Sustainable Marketing and Social Media", ETRAC webinar: Responsible Marketing, Online, Finland, February 2022.

  • Speaker " Virtual tourism", Foro de Experiencias Inspiradoras Cadena Smart Agro [Forum of Inspiring Experiences Chain Smart Agro], Online, Spain, April 2021.

  • Panelist in "Responsible Travel - Ideas & Innovations in Local Tourism", Visit Lapland online panel discussion, 27.6.2020.

  • Panelist in "Responsible Tourism Practices in Lapland", Visit Lapland online panel discussion, 11.6.2020.

  • Keynote speaker “Future Trends in Tourism”, The Spirit of Inari – Inari International Tourism Seminar, Inari, Finland, 1.11.2019.

  • Mentor in Dash Lapland, the northermost design hackaton in the world, Rovaniemi, Finland, 12.-14.4.2019.

  • Moderator of the panel "Lapin vastuullisen matkailun verkosto: 100 vastuullista matkailutekoa" [Lapland Responsible Tourism Network: 100 responsible tourism actions], Matkatieto-Seminaari, MATKA Nordic Travel Fair, Helsinki, Finland, 18.1.2019.

  • Keynote speaker “Animal welfare in tourism: the case of sled dogs in Lapland, Finland”, International Sled Dog Veterinary Medical Association (ISDVMA) conference, Valencia, Spain, 22.9.2018.

  • Panellist in the panel “Welfare and Ethics in Sled Dogs”, International Sled Dog Veterinary Medical Association (ISDVMA) conference, Valencia, Spain, 22.9.2018.

  • Moderator of the panel ”Eettinen bisnes ja eläimellinen meno” [ethical business and animal issues], Matkatieto-Seminaari, MATKA Nordic Travel Fair, Helsinki, Finland, 19.1.2018.

  • Keynote speaker "Cross-border cooperation - a piece of cake? - Analysis of challenges and obstacles for cross-border cooperation in Visit Arctic Europe", Visit Arctic Europe – Stronger Together Seminar, Rovaniemi, Finland, 22.9.2017.

  • Moderator of the Lapland Tourism Parliament “Sharing economy and cross-border tourism development in Lapland”, Muonio, Finland, 7.10.2016.

  • Debate participant in the Tourism Research 20th Anniversary, Rovaniemi, Finland, February 2015.

  • Facilitator of the Nature-based tourism product development seminar and workshop, Erätys project, Ruka, 2014

  • Keynote Speaker "Barents Tourism Action Plan", II International Tourist Forum in Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk, Russia, June 2013.

  • Keynote Speaker "Barents Tourism Action Plan", BART – Public-Private Partnership in Barents Tourism closing seminar, Rovaniemi, Finland, April 2013.

  • Facilitator of cultural training workshops for foreign tourism workers. Saariselkä, Finland, November 2012.

  • Panel moderator “Voiko matkailua opettaa?” [can tourism be taught? ] Matkailukoulutuksen verkostopäivät [Yearly networking meeting of Finnish tourism education], Rovaniemi, Finland, November 2012.

  • Facilitator of workshop “Mahdollisuuksia luovien alojen ja matkailun yhteistyölle [Opportunities for co-operation between creative industries and the tourism sector]”, organized by LETKE (Lapin esittävien taiteiden keskus), Rovaniemi, Finland, April 2012.

  • Presenter "Developing Tourism through Research: Cases from Lapland, Finland", Ministry of Tourism Quebec, Quebec City, Canada, February, 2012.

  • Keynote Speaker "Tourism product development and service design" at Common Future for Baltic Tourism Seminar, Turku, Finland, September 2011.

  • Presenter "Tourism product development", Maaseudun matkailukehittäjien iltapäivä [Seminar for rural tourism developers], Seinäjoki, Finland, March 2011.

  • Keynote Speaker "Sustainable business development", Female Entrepreneurship Seminar, Municipality of Los Pedroches, Andalucia, Spain, May 2007.

  • Keynote Speaker "Sustainable Product Development", Equality Trail Seminar, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, February 2007.                

If you would like to invite me for a public talk, please contact me.

JC García-Rosell hosting a panel discussion

Media Articles

Writing for Newspapers, Blogs and Professional Magazines

  • Hakkarainen, Maria and García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2021). Vastuullisten matkailupalveluiden muotoilu [responsible tourism service design]. Muotoja, 1, Kaleva, Arctic Design Week, March,

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2021). Business & Society on social media – disseminating research and boosting social impact. Business & Society Blog, 20, January.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2020). From Global to Local Travelling: Rethinking Lapland Tourism in the Pandemic. Visit Lapland Blog, 14, October.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2020). Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry is an act of responsibility. Business & Society Blog, 1, October.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos, Haanpää, Minni, Hakkarainen, Maria and Saraniemi, Saila (2020). COVID-19 as a trigger for more responsible tourism models. Business & Society Blog, 16, July.

  • Äijälä, Mikko, García-Rosell, José-Carlos, Salmela, Tarja and Haanoää, Minni (2020). Eläinten häiritsevä läsnäolo [Animals disturbing presence]. Kide: Lapin yliopiston tiede- ja taidelehti, 1.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos, Haanpää, Minni and Outi Rantala (2019) Ilmastonmuutos vaatii järjestäjiltä uusia konferenssikäytäntöjä [Climate change requires from organisers new conference practices]. Ikkunapaikka [Window Seat], 8, November.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos and Tarja Salmela (2017) Mielepide: Eläimillä on suuri arvo matkailussa [Opinion: Animals have enormous value in tourism]. Aamulehti, 11.06.2017.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos, Ojuva, Jaana, Mikko, Äijälä and Tarja Salmela-Leppänen (2017) Näkökulma: Eläimet arvo matkailussa [Opinion: The value of animals in tourism]. Lapin Kansa, 25.05.2017.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2017) Briefe aus der Ferne: Dieses Mals Rovaniemi [Letter from the distance: This time Rovaniemi]. Drahtesel, 34(1).

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2017) Animal welfare in Lapland. Lapland The Magazine, 15.2.2017.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos and Harju-Myllyaho, Anu (2016) Kulttuurimatkailua itärajan taakse [Cultural tourism behind the eastern border]. Lappilainen, viikot 26-31.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2016) Hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentäminen matkakohteessa – kestävän matkailun kulmakivi [Carbon emission reduction in destinations – the cornerstone of sustainable tourism]. Ikkunapaikka [Window Seat], viitosen vieras, 3, April.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos, Kyyrä, Sanna, Alhonsuo, Mira, Kärkkäinen, Sanna and Starry, Inkeri (2015) Tavallinen päivä lentoasemalla 2025. Lapin kansa, 29.3.2015

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos, Ilola, Heli and Hakkarainen, Maria (2014) ”Toivotaan kunnon lumimyrskyä ennen viikonloppua” [Let’s hope for a real snow sturm before the weekend]. Lapin Kansa 3.6.2014, Alakerta.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2014) ”Barents – ei pelkästään kaivostoimintaa ja öljyporausta” [Barents – more than just mining and oil drilling]. Vihreä  Lanka 17.- 30.1.2014, 1/14, Mielipide.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos (2013) “Tuotekehityksellä kestävyyttä” [Sustainability through product development]. Kide 1, 35.

  • García-Rosell, José-Carlos, Hakkarainen, Maria and Ojuva Jaana (2012) ”Barents matkailubändina?” [Barents as a tourism brand?]. Kide 3, 32-33.

  • García-Rosell José-Carlos (2011) ”Voiko matkailu olla Kestävää?” (Can tourism be sustainable?). Vihreä  Lanka 18.2.2011, 7/11,. Asiantuntijakolumni, p. 14.

  • García-Rosell José-Carlos (2010) ”Kestävä kehitys matkailussa” (sustainable development in tourism). Uusi Rovaniemi, 92, 4. PerjantaiVieras.

José-Carlos García-Rosell

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